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Feb. 18, 1871.
Hon. Geo. S. Boutwell,
Secretary of the Treasury,
The Secretary of War has sent to me, with his approval, a report of the Quartermaster General, relative to the failure of Messrs. Storm & Company, of San Francisco, to comply with the terms of a contract made by them with the United States, and recommending that suit for damages be instituted upon their bond, which is filed in the 2d Comptroller's office. From the paper transmitted to me by the Secretary of War, I think that the bond to which he refers must be dated on or about the 5th day of May, 1870.
I respectfully request that the 2d Comptroller be directed to furnish to me a copy of the bond, duly certified, for use as evidence.
Very respectfully, &c.
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
Case of Storm & Co. vs. The U.S. (San Francisco)
see Ins. B'k B. pp. 332-3