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March 14, 1871.
Hon. N. G. Ordway.
Sergeant at arms of the House of Representatives.
I enclose herewith a letter received by me from H. H. Wells, the Attorney of the United States for the District of Virginia, relative to this account for services in the Hastings Court of the City of Richmond in the matter of Pat Woods.
This account was transmitted to the Speaker of the House of Representatives by the Attorney General on the 8th ultimo, with the recommendation that it be paid from the contingent fund, which I understand is under your control.
Will you be kind enough to inform me if any action has been taken in regard to the matter, and if the account will be paid?
Very respectfully,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
Please return Mr. Wells's letter to me.
acc't for services in Pat Woods' case Va.