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March 14, 1871.
Hon. Erastus Wells,
House of Representatives.
Your letter of the 3d instant, enclosing a communication from Frank J. Bowman, esq. of St. Louis, upon the subject of the application of Francis H. Dinkleman and brother for relief from the bonds of Valentine Burke and Michael Moran, was duly received.
I have kept the subject under consideration in the hope of being able to grant the request; but after much reflection I am persuaded that it would be an unwise exercise of authority for the Attorney General to release a debt which appears to be due in law to the United States.
I will add that the papers which have been presented seem to me to make out a very meritorious case for relief from Congress.
Very respectfully, &c.
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
application of F. H. Dinkleman & brother Mo.