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March 18, 1871.
Hon. C. Delano.
Secretary of the Interior.
I have received your letter of the 16th instant, recommend the reäppointment of Charles P. Webster, and the appointment of Thomas D. Bond, as Justices of the Peace, in the District of Columbia.
The 24th Section of the Act of February 21, 1871, to provide a government for the District of Columbia, gives the appointment of the Justices of the Peace to the Legislative Assembly of the District, with a proviso that all Justices of the Peace, and notaries public now in commission shall continue in office until their present commissions expire, unless sooner removed, according to existing laws.
It seems to me that this prohibits any new appointments after the passage of that Act, except such as shall be made under the provisions which shall be enacted by the Legislative Assembly of the District; and it is for this reason—and not from any disposition to disregard your recommendation—that I decline to recommend to the President any appointments to such offices.
Very respectfully,
Your obedient serv't,
A. T. Akerman,
Attorney General.
app't'm't of Justice for Dist. Columbia declined as unlawful