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Catalog of the Walt Whitman Prose Manuscripts in the Newberry Library

Original records created by the Newberry Library; revised and expanded by the Walt Whitman Archive and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries. Encoded Archival Description completed with the assistance of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Individual items at this repository

  • Whitman Archive Title: Missouri Kansas trip
  • Whitman Archive ID: nby.00002
  • Repository ID: Case folio Y 245.W5918
  • Repository Title: Notes and fragments: left by Walt Whitman and now edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke, one of his literary executors
  • Date: 1879
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1
  • Content: A brief note from Whitman's 1879 trip to attend the quarter-centennial celebration of the Kansas settlement and to visit his brother Jeff in St. Louis. Whitman journeyed as far as Denver and the Rockies before returning to Camden on January 5, 1880. Whitman first described this trip in Specimen Days & Collect (1882), and though no direct lines can be traced between this manuscript and Whitman's published prose, it is clear that these manuscript notes are related to portions of Specimen Days , specifically the section titled, "Missouri State." This manuscript is mounted in a copy of Notes and Fragments (1899), leaving the verso unavailable..

  • Whitman Archive Title: I have found my authority here
  • Whitman Archive ID: nby.00004
  • Repository ID: Case folio Y 245 .W5918
  • Repository Title: Notes and fragments: left by Walt Whitman and now edited by Dr. Richard Maurice Bucke, one of his literary executors
  • Date: about 1879
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1
  • Content: A short prose manuscript that appears to be related to portions of Specimen Days , specifically "An Egotistical 'Find'." This piece was first published in Specimen Days & Collect (1882), and was included in Complete Prose . A note in another hand identifies this manuscript as part of "the Denver Diary of W. W." This manuscript is mounted in a copy of Notes and Fragments (1899), leaving the verso unavailable.

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