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Iron works

There is a forge in the Adirondack mountains—the "Adirondack forge"—To get to it you land at Crown Point, on Lake Champlain and go back 40 miles A forge would be a large rude building with from one to a dozen or more ^charcoal fires—on which the ore is thrown, and melted—the iron runs down and settles at the bottom, like a bushel-basket-shaped lump—a "loup" or "loop," they call it— The men are around these fires with huge crowbars—they have to tell the state of the melting by the "feel" of the ore and iron, with these crowbars. The forge-fires in the mountains,^...the men around, trying feeling the melt, ^—feeling with ^huge crowbars," The ^work of colliers and and miners, electro-plating,   [begin leaf 1 verso]
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