October 5/6, 1868
Dear Walt,
I should have wrote to you saturday or yesterday, but i lost the Two last [Washington] Stars1
paper. i had them on the car & somebody took them out However, i will get them today & send them to
you you will find them interesting as Fridays paper contains a piece about you the same i think that was in
the NY Times & saturdays paper has got a letter from Mr. Noyes2 by the way, Mr. Noyes
is in town he was on my car yesterday (sunday) & he looks first rate i told him i sent you the star
containing his letter3 and it seemed to please him very much. I have seen
Pittsburg4 & showed him the letter you wrote to him it pleased him firstrate to
mention them N.Y. Drivers5 he told Me to send his love & also to state that
Wm Sydnor6 is well and allright again & is at work Jim
Sorrill7 sends his love & says Charley's8 baby is well & doing
first rate Dave9is well & sends you his love & says he wont go to the Springs
again for a long time yet & told me to ask you if you wont take a trip with us tonight Richings Opera
troupe10 is drawing good houses they bring out two new operas this week, one is your
favortie, Travi[a]ta they are also sweeping the Dust & Cobwebs out of the Walls Opera
House11 the[y] open tonight with Uncle Toms Cabin.
I would like to send you a Picture of Dave as i write this, he is about two thirds asleep in one end of the
car while i sit in the other end writing this letter I received your letter of the 2nd12
all right on Saturday, also the N.Y. Times I sent you a letter on Friday13 which will
explain how i am getting along i am doing tip top at present
Yours as Ever,
P.S. as i was sealing this up to send away Mr. Hart14 of the
Cronicle 15 stepped on the car
& asked me if i sent him the NY Times i told him i expected it was you & he seemed Very much
pleased with it it came too late for the sunday cronicle, so he will put it in some of the Daily
Peter Doyle (1843–1907) was
one of Walt Whitman's closest comrades and lovers, and their friendship spanned
nearly thirty years. The two met in 1865 when the twenty-one-year-old Doyle was
a conductor in the horsecar where the forty-five-year-old Whitman was a
passenger. Despite his status as a veteran of the Confederate Army, Doyle's
uneducated, youthful nature appealed to Whitman. Although Whitman's stroke in
1873 and subsequent move from Washington to Camden limited the time the two
could spend together, their relationship rekindled in the mid-1880s after Doyle
moved to Philadelphia and visited nearby Camden frequently. After Whitman's
death, Doyle permitted Richard Maurice Bucke to publish the letters Whitman had
sent him. For more on Doyle and his relationship with Whitman, see Martin G.
Murray, "Doyle, Peter," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia,
ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing,
- 1. The Washington Star was
a daily newspaper established in 1852 by Joseph Borrows Tate. In 1867, Crosby Stuart Noyes, Samuel
H. Kauffmann, and George Adams purchased the paper, and Noyes then served as editor
from 1867 until his death in 1908. [back]
- 2. Crosby Stuart Noyes (1825–1908) was editor of
the Washington Star from 1867 until his death. [back]
- 3. In his letter of
October 6, 1868, Whitman acknowledged a letter from Doyle sent
October 1, 1868,
and mentioned Mr. Noyes' letters in the Washington Star, writing
"I read Mr. Noyes' western letters with pleasure" (Richard Maurice
Bucke, ed., Calamus: A Series of Letters Written During the
years 1868–1880 by Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter Doyle)
[Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1977], 40). [back]
- 4. Lewis Wraymond (or Raymond),
also called "Pittsburgh," worked for one of the Washington railroads. See Peter
Doyle's letter to Whitman from September 27,
1868. [back]
- 5. In his letter to Lewis
Wraymond (Pittsburgh) of October 2, 1868, Whitman
mentions the Washington railroad man: "Tell Johnny Miller there is still a
sprinkling of the old Broadway drivers left. Balky Bill, Fred Kelly, Charley
McLaughlin, Tom Riley, Prodigal, Sandy, &c. &c. are still here. Frank
McKinney & several other old drivers are with Adams Express." [back]
- 6. Whitman described William Snydor as a
"driver car boy on Pittsburgh's car 7th st" (Whitman's Commonplace
Book, Charles E. Feinberg Collection of the Papers of Walt Whitman,
1839–1919, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.). Whitman inquired
about Sydnor's health in his October 2,
1868, letter to Lewis Wraymond. [back]
- 7. Jim Sorrell (sometimes spelled Sorrill) was a
driver, along with his brother Charley. Peter Doyle wrote on September 27, 1868: "Jim Sorrill Sends his love
& best respects & says he is alive & kicking but the most thing that
he dont understand is that young Lady that said you make such a good bed
fellow." [back]
- 8. Charley Sorrell and his brother, Jim, were
drivers. [back]
- 9. David Stevens was a driver or conductor. On
September 7, 1874, Whitman recorded a visit from Stevens, who was at that time a driver in
Philadelphia (Whitman's Commonplace
Book). [back]
- 10. The Richings Opera Company, formed in 1859 by
American actor Peter Richings (1797–1871), toured the United States.
Richings's adopted daughter Caroline Richings (1827–1882) directed
the troupe after her father retired in 1867. In 1870, the company was renamed the
Caroline Richings Bernard Grand Opera Combination. She
later married tenor Peter Bernard. [back]
- 11. The Walls Opera House was located
on 9th Street in Washington, D. C., between Constitution Avenue and Pennsylvania
Avenue. In 1931, the federal government purchased the property in order to
demolish it to make way for the Federal Triangle office buildings. [back]
- 12. In his letter to Doyle on
October 2, 1868, Whitman begins: "You say it is a pleasure to get my
letters—well boy, it is a real pleasure to me to write to you" (Richard
Maurice Bucke, ed., Calamus: A Series of Letters Written
During the years 1868–1880 by Walt Whitman to a Young Friend (Peter
Doyle) [Norwood, Pa.: Norwood Editions, 1977], 38). [back]
- 13. This letter has not been
located. [back]
- 14. Michael C. Hart was listed as a
printer in the Washington Directory of 1869. Whitman sent Hart publicity puffs for insertion in the Washington Daily Morning Chronicle. [back]
- 15. The Washington Daily Morning
Chronicle was a District of Columbia newspaper published from 1862 to
1874. [back]