Again I take the time & privlege of droping a few lines to tell you that we have not forgotten you & want to hear from you.1 We have had a son borned since we heard from you & We call him Walter Whitman Millis2 in honer to you for Love for you.
How I would like to see your dear old face once more. Times is very hard here, & money is very scarce. Hoping to hear from you soon.
We remain yours with loveCorrespondent:
William H. Millis Jr. (ca. 1840–1916 was a Union soldier, who served
during the American Civil War. He was the son of William H.
Millis Sr., who corresponded with Whitman during the war about the condition of
his wounded son (see Millis Sr.'s January 9, 1864,
letter to Whitman). Whitman described Millis Jr., upon first meeting: "Wm H
Millis co E 8th Penn Cav. Gen Gregg's old reg. Bridgeville Sussex co Del bed 33
Ward B May 8th '64 / g s w in Chest—w in left arm father living in
Bridgeville Del" (NUPM 2:728). Millis Jr. first wrote to
Whitman on January 12, 1865, thanking him for his
letter (not extant) and proclaiming, "May god bless you forever I cant find
words to tell you the love thier is in me for you. I hope you & I may live
to meet again on this earth if not I hope we shall meet in the world w[h]ere
there is no more parting." Millis, Jr. later moved to Delaware, where he
worked for many years at the plant of the American Car and Foundry Company ("Old Soldier Dies,"
The Evening Journal, June 7, 1916, 1).