Literary Manuscripts
Manuscript Catalogs
- owu.ead01
Catalog of a Walt Whitman Poetry Manuscript in The Bayley-Whitman Collection, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
Original records created by the Bayley-Whitman Collection, Ohio Wesleyan University and expanded by the Walt Whitman Archive based upon information from the repository. Encoded Archival Description completed with the assistance of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- Title: Catalog of a Walt Whitman Poetry Manuscript in The Bayley-Whitman Collection, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, Ohio
- Collection Number: owu.ead01
- Creator: Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
- Repository: L. A. Beeghly Library
- Abstract:
This catalog was created from the original finding aid and a photocopy obtained by The Walt Whitman Archive. The original papers and finding aid are held at Ohio Wesleyan University.
- Scope and Content:
The Bayley-Whitman Collection holds a wide variety of Whitman items, including correspondence; manuscripts; facsimiles and photocopies of manuscripts; transcriptions; artifacts; books and articles by and about Whitman; newspaper clippings; bibliographies; dealer catalogs; newsletters; papers from the Walt Whitman Fellowship, the Walt Whitman Society, and the Walt Whitman Foundation; and many other miscellaneous items. In this catalog, only the documents deemed poetry manuscripts are described at the item level.
- Biographical Information:
For additional biographical information, see "Walt Whitman", by Ed Folsom and Kenneth M. Price, and the chronology of Whitman's Life.
- Subjects:
- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892
- Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892--Manuscripts
- Poets, American--19th century
Individual items at this repository
Whitman Archive Title: A procession without halt
Whitman Archive ID: owu.00001
Box: 3
Folder: 12
Date: undated
Genre: poetry
Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
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The date is unknown. Whitman used the image
of a procession many times in his poetry, including in section 38 of "Song of
Myself" and in section 6 of "Return of the Heroes" (in the final versions of those
poems). However, this manuscript is most likely a draft toward a different poem
altogether. It is possible these lines were
composed between 1861 and 1870, when
Whitman had most reason to employ imagery of marching.
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