PAINTINGS.—The directors of the Brooklyn Institute have presented the public a very rational treat in the shape of an exhibition of paintings, and have culled from various sources some highly creditable specimens of the limning art.1 Our Brooklyn artists are well represented as they ought to be, and we find on the catalogue the names of Frothingham, Oddie, Havel, Powers, Gignouox.2 Their works, we think, should of themselves attract the presence at the Institute of our Brooklyn people; but those who have got up this exhibition have not relied alone upon those artists, all powerful though they be. In addition we find three splendid pictures by the best of American landscape painters—we allude to Doughty, whose name is as high abroad as it is at home. The three to which we allude were on exhibition last spring at the Louvre in Paris, where they attracted general admiration. In regard to the most beautiful of the trio—"A scene on the Tioga"—too much commendation cannot be bestowed upon it,3 The picture which excites the most interest is a portrait of Miss Bremer, the distinguished authoress. It is understood to have been painted by a Swedish female artist, and is an excellent painting, and we are sure it must be a capital likeness, for there is a vraisemblance about it not to be mistaken. We do not believe that placid countenance can misrepresent the truly virtuous and good woman whose amiable moral and intellectual qualities have shed such a calm lustre over the country of her birth.4 Were there no other picture in the room this must prove attractive to people of taste. It belongs to Capt.——of the navy, now at Boston, who kindly loaned it for this exhibition.5 There are about one hundred and thirty paintings in the room, of all kinds, both ancient and modern; but we have no room to speak of each as it deserves. Suffice to say that the connoisseur will be amply rewarded by personally inspecting them, in doing which he may pass an hour or two very agreeably and profitably.
FESTIVAL OF CALVARY CHURCH.—This pleasant entertainment, purely for the aid of charitable purposes, is continued at Gothic hall, (Adams street,) this Thursday evening. We earnestly advise our readers, young and old, to betake themselves thither. They will do good, and get good.
BURGLARIOUS ATTEMPTS—A man named James McDonough while attempting to make an entrance into the front door of the dwelling house of Mr Oscar Johnson, No. 25 Pierrepont street, night before last, was overheard by Mr. J. who promptly arrested and handed him over to the police. Whether the prisoner had burglarious intentions will appear on examination. The circumstance is at any rate rather suspicious.
A NARROW ESCAPE.—The Commercial says that Mr. Benj. Woolcott, of the house of Fisher, Howe & Hamilton, Broad street, residing at Montague place, Brooklyn, retired to bed on Saturday evening, leaving the lamp in the chair near the bed, preparatory to reading. He immediately fell asleep, and was awoke some hour after, by the fire taking hold of his leg. He sprang from the bed, and succeeded in smothering the flames which were prevented from spreading by the woolen blanket. A part of the bed clothes was consumed, and most of the pillow under his head—together with the book which he purposed reading.
SUPREME COURT.—The special term of the supreme court, before Judges Strong, Morse and Barculo, is still in session, and will it is understood last a week or two longer. Some arguments were heard yesterday; but the business has scarcely commenced.
CHARTER CONVENTION.—The convention who are engaged in revising the fundamental of this city, meet again this afternoon at 4 o’clock. The subject now before them is the special order of so much of the report of the committee on public improvements as relates to the collection of taxes and assessments.
POLICE COURT.—William Stairko yesterday gave $100 sureties for his appearance at the next general sessions to answer a charge of petit larceny preferred against him by Solomon Krause. . . . . . William Logue was committed for trial before the same tribunal, in default of $200 bail, on a charge of drunkenness and disorderly conduct.
1. The Brooklyn Institute, formed from the merger of the Brooklyn Apprentices’ Library and the Brooklyn Lyceum in 1843, established a permanent gallery for the exhibition of paintings and sculpture in 1846. [back]
2. James Frothingham (1786-1864) was a portrait painter who studied with Gilbert Stuart; Walter Mason Oddie (ca. 1808-1865) was a stockbroker and landscape painter; possibly Robert Havell, Jr. (1793-1878), a British printmaker who made many of the plates for John James Audubon’s The Birds of America (1827-38) and who specialized in landscape painting after immigrating to America in 1839; Hiram Powers (1805-1873) was a sculptor who achieved international fame with his full-length marble sculpture of the Greek Slave which toured American cities to great acclaim beginning in 1847; Régis François Gignoux (1814-1882) was a French-born landscape painter who settled in Brooklyn in 1840. [back]
3. Thomas Doughty (1791-1856), who lived for periods in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York, was a largely self-trained American landscape painter who is best known for his poetic evocations of American scenery. No painting with the title, A scene on the Tioga, is known today. [back]
4. Fredrika Bremer (1801-1865) was a Swedish novelist and advocate for women’s rights. The artist who painted Bremer’s portrait has not been identified. [back]
5. This naval Captain has not been identified. [back]