NAVAL.—The U.S. brig Dolphin arrived at Brooklyn yesterday from the coast of Africa, where she has been cruising for the last two years, having left Norfolk in November, 1845. She stopped some time at the Cape Verd Islands, and made the passage home in 24 days. The health of all on board has been remarkably good. The following is a list of the officers: John Pope, commander; L. B. Avery, S. Shipley, lieutenants; A. Redd, acting master; John T. Mason, passed assistant surgeon; John O’Means, acting purser; William F. Spencer, passed midshipman; M. C. Jones, Charles M. Mitchell, midshipmen. Died at sea, Feb. 28, James Smith, (col’d.) cook; Oct 19th. David Harris, landsman. The Dolphin left at Porto Praya the frigate United States, Commodore Read, and the brig Boxer—officers and men of both vessels in good health. The Boxer had just returned from the coast, and reported that the Liberia colonists had declared their independence and were preparing to elect a president.
The store-ship Supply is expected to leave the Brooklyn navy yard in a day or two for the gulf of Mexico.
BROOKLYN INSTITUTE.1—Exhibition of paintings.—Lectures.—Concerts.—This truly valuable institution is now about to commence its usual career of usefulness durig the winter months. Being decidedly the most interesting feature of Brooklyn life, it has so insinuated itself in the affections of a large class of our citizens that its absence would create a blank much to be deplored. For this, thanks to the assiduity and unselfishness of a comparatively small number of gentlemen, of whom Brooklyn ought to be proud. The annual exhibition of paintings will open on Monday next. Though we do not value highly the specimens to be exhibited as a collection, there are in it nevertheless some pieces which are perfect gems of art. Doughty, the prince of landscapists, has two of his exquisite productions; one of which was exhibited a year or two since in the Louvre at Paris.2 As a whole, if we recollect aright, the present exhibition will not equal that of last year. All the paintings we believe, are not yet in the show room, and we may have occasion to reverse our opinion…………………………….
On the 25th inst. professor Agassiz, the celebrated lecturer on natural history will give the initial of the winter course of lectures. He will be followed by Prof. Gray, of this city, Lowell Mason, of Boston, Prof. Giles, Hume, Horace Mann and George Vandenhoff—the greater portion of whom have heretofore lent their valuable aid in the instruction and edification of the Institute audiences. Besides the lectures there will be several concerts, under the direction of some of our musical citizens, and which will embrace musical talent of a high order. With such prospects ahead the directors of the Institute must meet, as they deserve, the approbation of those who rely upon them as caterers for winter instruction and amusement.
☞ A law term of the Kings county court, judge Rockwell presiding, has been in session during the present week in the court room at the county jail, for the hearing of motions, etc. Nothing took place of any public interest.
☞ The common council of this city will hold another of their semi-monthly meetings on Monday evening next.
POLICE—Some six or seven trivial cases occupied the attention of the police court yesterday, in which the defendants were dismissed.
A petition is in circulation for the commutation of the sentence of Jacomiah B. Tiller, who is sentenced to be hung at Riverhead, L. I., on the 23d inst., for the murder of John Covert, of Huntington, two and a half years ago. A petition in Huntington, bears the signature of nearly one thousand persons.
☞ At a meeting of the UNION GUARDS, which took place at the Central house, in Myrtle avenue, on Thursday evening, Nov. 4th, Wm. H. Sharp was called to the chair and William Gascoyne appointed secretary. On motion, it was unanimously
Resolved, That we enrol ourselves under the name of Union Guards.
The following officers were then unanimously elected for the ensuing year:
On motion, it was Resolved, That the proceedings of this meeting be signed by the chairman and secretary, and published in the Brooklyn Eagle and Daily Advertiser.
WM. H. SHARP, chairman. William Gascoyne, secretary. Brooklyn, Nov. 4th, 1847.HATS.—Those of our readers who wish to purchase an elegant hat at a low price should not fail to call on Rafferty & Leask, corner of Pearl and Chatham street, New York, where they can be provided with a beautiful and substantial one at an extremely low price. See their funny card in our advertising columns, headed "over head and ears in love."
1. The Brooklyn Institute, formed from the merger of the Brooklyn Apprentices’ Library and the Brooklyn Lyceum in 1843, established a permanent gallery for the exhibition of paintings and sculpture in 1846. [back]
2. Thomas Doughty (1791-1856) was a largely self-trained American landscape painter who lived for periods in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York and is best known for his poetic evocations of American scenery. [back]