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The Sewerage of the Eastern District

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The Commissioners of Sewerage are now in session on the plans for the drainage of the Eastern District. So far as we can learn, the bulk of the inhabitants are satisfied with the project in the main, though considerable opposition is likely to be made to the emptying of the main brick sewer at the foot of Ann street, whence the sewage would be washed by the tide into Wallabout Bay instead of down the river.

We learn that the Commissioners, and even the Engineer himself, have become sensible of the impropriety of terminating the sewer at Ann street, and the plans will probalby be altered accordingly, and the main outlet be brought nearer to Peck Slip, whence the sewage would be washed away promptly by the tide. With this exception, we presume the Commissioners will endorse the plans submitted, and proceed to carry them out as soon as they deem advisable.

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