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[Most of the pipes in]

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☞Most of the pipes in this District were filled with water and preparations to clean and test the same were made yesterday. In some of the streets the hydrants were allowed to run for a short time to the great satisfaction of citizens, who were thereby assured that the water was "there." Last evening about 10 o'clock some of the "boys" connected with an up-town fire company, anxious to test the capabilities of the new water-power, applied the hose to one of the hydrants and had a good "squirt" for about a quarter of an hour. When they wished to shut off the water, however, they discovered, much to their consternation that the thing couldn't be done. There was some difficulty in the arrangements—they didn't work well—and the water continued to flow despite the best endeavors of the rash experimenters. Several of the latter made desperate trials by inserting plugs and by other expedients to stop the leak, but the only result was that they got soaking wet without diminishing the flood in the least. In this emergency an employee of the water-works was sent for, who, in attempting to screw down the faucet, broke it, and matters were worse than ever. Ultimately, to save the 16th ward from being submerged, they were obliged to shut the water off at the mains. The "boys" have been pretty well laughed at for the result of this, their first experiment with the water-works.

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