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The American Physique

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Horace Mann, in his speech before the Christian Convention, at Cincinnati, says:

With better health of the body, we can obtain more work of the mind, and hence can save that prodigious loss which now comes from the real, not the feigned, indispositions of scholars. I have authentic information of one college class in this country, one half of whose students died within three years after they graduated. Students ought to leave college in better bodily health than when they entered it. There is fault somewhere if they do not. Parents are responsible for the health of children and youth. The constitution being given, men are responsible for their own health and length of life as they are for character. God has ordained, it is true, that all men must die at some time; but he had left a blank in the decree, in which, within certain limitations, each one may insert, for his own death, what date he pleases.

All sensible men will endorse these remarks. It is sad, indeed, to see the waste of health and life that prevails in our midst, for which there is no real occasion.

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