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[Hall's Journal of Health]

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[Hall's Journal of Health]

Hall's Journal of Health argues that tobacco smoking is injurious, because the forger Huntington weighs 15 lbs. more in prison, where he cannot smoke, than he did in Wall street, where he was always smoking. This is an instance of the rapidity which people jump to conclusions which they wish to see established. There are a thousand changes in Huntington's situation which would account for his improved health. The main one probably is, that while in Wall street, he was harassed by cares, and always fearful of discovery; he now knows the worst, and his mind is no longer distressed by anxiety or apprehension. To say that it is the loss of his segar which has improved his health, is no more justifiable than to attribute it to his loss of liberty. If from this instance it is to be concluded that smoking injures health, by parity of reasoning we may argue that liberty injures it also.

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