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Effects of Excessive Tea Drinking

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The friend who supplied this hashish experience also supplied us with the following account of the result of an excess in tea drinking. The resemblance to some of the most peculiar effects of hashish in large doses, will strike all who have read of them: "Being under an unusual stress of work, which demanded great activity of the brain, I had recourse, as usual, to tea for excitement. For several days successively I took a basin of very strong tea four or five times a day. One night, as I was sitting alone with my mother and writing, I felt a sudden dizziness overcome me immediately after a draught of tea stronger than any I had taken yet, and requested my mother to get me a glass of sherry from the sideboard. Consciousness of surrounding objects left me, and I fell into a dream, which I can only describe by saying that it was indescribably terrific. It seemed to last for ages, and I awoke with the horror of a soul which had been for an eternity in hell. My mother was standing before me with the sherry. I asked her how long I had been insensible. She asked me what I meant; she had just returned with the sherry, not having been absent half a minute."—[National Review.

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