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[The New York Times attempts]

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☞ The New York Times attempts to prove hydrophobia a myth, and looks upon the dog pound with horror.1 The Times is said to possess a "medical editor"—is it possible that he never saw a genuine case of hydrophobia? If so he has been singularly unfortunate. The very sight of one case is enough to possess the beholder with a detestation and unutterable dread of all street curs forevermore afterwards. The Times' pity for the hydrophobic dogs is misplaced.


1. The New-York Times was a leading daily newspaper, then published by Republican Henry Jarvis Raymond (1820–1869) but aiming for a neutral tone of reporting. Whitman contributed a number of writings to the paper. For more information, see also Walter Graffin, "New York Times," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998) and Susan Belasco, The New-York Times[back]

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