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The Williamsburgh Yellow Fever Case

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The N. Y. Times says it has been ascertained that the only vessels on which L. W. Gross worked were the ship Benares, the schooner Passport, and the brig Abrams. Neither of these vessels brought contagious diseases into port, nor did they come from sickly places, nor were they Quarantined. The Benares came from Calcutta, the Passport from Charleston, and the Abrams from Rio Hatche, (S. A.) The Benares arrived on the 7th, the Passport on the 9th, and the brig Abrams on the 10th ult.

The above facts joined with, and conforming to the certificate of Dr. Wade, Mr. Gross' attending physician, would seem to leave no doubt that the man died of "Billious​ Remitten Fever," and not Yellow Fever, and it is presumed, therefore, that the case of Mr. Gross, as to his having died of Yellow Fever, will prove to be as much of a humbug as did the case of the sea sick cook, on board of the Brig Mary.

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