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The Heat

Really, the heat is here to last—the burning, drying, tanning, sweltering days! Now strawberries have departed, and raspberries begin. Now the young fellows take the young women out to ice-cream saloons of an evening, and put on airs, as of persons having an unbounded command of cash. Now sensible men, and all the boys, pant for the advantages of bathing, as the hart panteth for the water-brooks. Heavens! is'nt it hot! One throws off all the clothing he can spare, and still there is too much left. The air, the water—these seem now to be clothing enough, by night or by day. Yet, be it remembered, this hot weather comes in very welcome. It sends up the corn, which sadly needed it; and it makes a splendid opportunity for the farmers to cut, cure, and cart in their hay. These three or four hot days will save millions upon millions of dollars worth of the hay crop.

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