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What is Lager Bier?

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The Sunday Times says this mooted question has just been ably answered, in a pamplet​ written by Dr. Henry Anders, of this city. It is a reply to an article from the pen of Dr. Dixon, of "The Scalpel," in which lager is held up as the abomination of the age.1 Dr. Anders insists that lager bier is a medicinal beverage, and his chemical analysis gives, as its constituents, lupulin, a resinous substance resembling juniper, mucilage, iron, albumen, tannin, malt meal, acetate of ammonia, alcohol, carbonic acid, and water. He declares that ladies who drink it never enjoy a familyless wedded life; and that when men imbibe it, the consequences is "a humanisation that ignores all arbitrary difference between ranks and classes—that fraternises man and man, irrespective of the condition of their coats, or the hardness of their hands, and irrespective of the other thousand and one unreal social distinctions upon which superficial minds love to dwell, and silly ones to plume themselves."


1. The Scalpel was published quarterly in New York by editor and doctor Edward H. Dixon (1808—1880). [back]

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