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Diet and Disposition

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Life Illustrated argues that men ought to subsist on vegetable instead of animal food, beacuse all the useful animals—the horse, sheep, ox, elephant, &c.—are herbivorous, while the ferocious and destructive animals are carnivorous. But even granting the assumption that diet regulates disposition, we demur to the inference. If a race of men want to be slaves like the domestic animals, let them feed exclusively on the products of the earth, as the Hindoos do, and like them they will become downtrodden and pusillanimous. But if we desire liberty and independence, such as the animals of the forest enjoy, it follows that we should feed on flesh as they do. And we deny that flesh-eaters are as savage in their disposition as vegetarian races. The Anglo Saxon race is the most humane and generous, taken all in all; while the fruit-eating lazzaroni​ 1 of Naples and the rice-eating Sepoy are the most treacherous, malignant and cruel of human beings.2 The noblest traits of brute sagacity and highest range of dumb intelligence is found in the meat-eating dog. So it seems to us that the vegetarian theory will not bear examination.


1. The Lazzaroni of Naples were considered to be of the lowest socioeconomic class, often consisting of beggars or unhoused individuals. [back]

2. The Sepoy Mutiny of 1857 was a failed rebellion by Indian soldiers, known as sepoys, against the rule of British East India Company. [back]

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