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[The little graves will become]

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☞ The little graves will become more frequent in the cemeteries, by reason of this dreadful weather. Medicine men expect but little time for sleep. Night and day their nags go frantically through the streets, turning corners at locomotive speed, and stopping for the briefest time at the house of distress, lest by too much delay some little creature may lack attention, and so depart. The harvest of mortality will be large this season, unless more than usual care is exercised. The flowers droop in the excessive heat and their colors and fragrance fade and dissipate. How much sooner, then, will the incipient human yield to the o'erpowering heat, and become moribund with congestion. Overheat the channels of the creature, and the same disaster will ensue as when the boiler is so treated—a certain quota must go to supply the business of the undertaker and the grave digger; but there is no need that the majority should be of the promise of the land. Parents and guardians, do exercise some discretion and authority! Avoid the crape and ribbon on your bell by a little more solicitude for the juveniles.

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