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Something New Under the Sun

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We had supposed until now that it was the general opinion of Temperance people that the use of tea or coffee, or both, tended to give a distaste for alcoholic beverages. At least we have noticed that most total-abstinents were great imbibers of strong Java and the Chinese herb.1 But a correspondent of the Tribune of this of the morning comes down on hot drinks i.e. tea and coffee, with immense force, clearly demonstrating the fact, to his own satisfaction, at any rate, that they debilitate the system, creating thereby a depression of spirits which invariably leads to the use of stimulants.


1. Whitman had been associated with the Temperance movement earlier in his career, culminating in his anti-alcohol novella Franklin Evans.For more information, see Jennifer A. Hynes, "Temperance Movement," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]

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