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[The furore for physical exercise]

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The furore for physical exercise is spreading rapidly. We see it in the establishment of base-ball clubs and cricket clubs, of gymnasia, & in the rapidly growing taste among the community for the turf, the prize ring, and for pedestrian and other exercises. We see that even the crinolines are infected by the prevailing mania. In Prince street, New York, there is a walking match going on between two girls, one of whom is named "Prioress of Lynn" and the other "Flora Temple of Boston." "Prioress" is described as a blue-eyed girl with fair hair, cut short and surmounted by a broad brimmed summer hat. "Flora" is an inch shorter, and considerably smaller; she is a brunette, and although the muscular system is well developed, she weighs only 110 pounds. Both have been under training for some weeks, living on raw beef-steaks and otherwise conforming to the training rules. The girls commenced their walk at noon yesterday, and will keep it up till Saturday. They walk on a raised platform at the side of the Hall (No. 76), four feet wide and thirty feet long. They present a curious spectacle—these two young women walking slowly to and fro, each awaiting the time when the other shall sit down, go to sleep, or fall off the platform from exhaustion. Who says that our people are physically deteriorating?

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