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[Of all systems of social reform]

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☞ Of all systems of social reform, that which affords the pleasures of dissipation and averts its pains, is likely to be the most captivating. A physician has discovered an antidote for the bane of drunkenness. A toper may now drink as much as he likes, and never either get drunk or have a headache in the morning!1

"Dr. Beck, of Dantsic, has just made a curious discovery. He has found an antidote, or rather a counter-poison, for ardent spirits. It is a mineral paste, which he encloses in an olive, and which once absorbed destroys not only the rising effect, but likewise the disastrous consequences of drunkenness. He tried several experiments on a Pole, an irreclaimable drunkard. The individual, named Radevil, swallowed three bottles of brandy in succession, and after each bottle ate an olive prepared by the Doctor. He experienced neither the effect of drunkenness, nor the slightest sickness."


1. The historical usage of the term "toper" refers to one who drinks excessively; a drunkard. [back]

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