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[The Governors have forbidden]

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The Governors have forbidden "female physicians" admission to the Bellevue Hospital to witness the operations of the surgeons. This arose from the fact that a number of female doctors, last week, insisted upon remaining to see an operation performed upon the naked bodies of three dead men. The Governors appear to think that when females possess no modesty, they should be taught its necessity.—[New York paper.

Can there be two opinions as to its being equally immodest for a male doctor to witness or perform operations upon female patients? It is not the modesty of the operator, but of the patients, which is most the be regarded, the latter being the more numerous class; and viewed in this light, we see a hundred times more impropriety in the male surgeons attending female patients, than in female doctors attending male patients. The recent discussion in the Academy of Medicine, on the death of Mr. Whitney, has convinced us that woman ought to be allowed to practise without let or hindrance. She could not make a worse botch of it, even at first, than the male practitioners, after thousands of years of experience and precedent, have made.

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