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Notwithstanding the state of the weather and the condition of the streets on Thursday evening there was a large crowd assembled at the rooms of the "Union Gymnastic Association" Nos. 59 and 61 South Fourth street to witness the third exhibition of the season; and it must have been exceedingly gratifying to the members to see so large a number of ladies present.

The exhibition was one of the best that has ever been given in Williamsburgh, for in addition to the members there were present, Messrs. Ryder, Brady and Halsted of New York, and Messrs. Pierce and Burnham of this city, each one of whom is a host in himself.

The usual class exercise opened the evening's entertainment, and was succeeded by some very beautiful feats on the vaulting horse, Halsted was perfectly at home and his doings were almost comic enought to make a horse-laugh.

Messrs. Ryder, Burnham and Halsted formed a very beautiful tableau on the parallel bars and were loudly applauded.

Mr. Pierce at the dumb bells and clubs exhibited strength and grace, as did also his performance in the rings, which was one of the strong points of the exhibition.

Messrs Brady, Burnham, Halsted and Ryder's performances in the swinging rings were beautiful and daring; where all were so excellent it may be presumptuous to particularize, but to our own mind Mr. Ryder was the star in that line.

Mr. Lloyd deserves particular mention for the handsome manner in which he raised the sixty-pound weight and himself at the same time on one foot.

The double trapeze was gone throught with in very good style by Messrs Ryder and Halstead, although it is due these gentlemen to state that they had never exercised in the trapeze together before.

After some very fine posturing and sumersaulting by Messrs Burnham, Ryder and Halsted and a few humorous remarks by the latter, the crowd separated having had a splendid entertainment.

We cannot close this notice without strongly recommending the Institute which provided this rich treat to our citizens; it has been in a flourishing condition over two years and has deserved the support which it has received.

There are none too old to be benefitted by daily exercise, and there are now a large number of heads of families that are reaping the benefits that are here afforded, and every young man who has his physicial and moral culture at heart should take advantage of the opportunity that is afforded them to make themselves men physically as well as morally; for the improvement of the body, freshens the mind and maks it more healthy and susceptible to good impressions.

We are informed that the subscriber's tickets are being issued for the balance of the season, viz: May 1st, 1859, at very low rates in order to interest all young men who want the exercise. Should a sufficient number give in their support to this Institution it will be continued and a rate of yearly subscription fixed will be within the means of all.

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