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[To-day the people of Kansas]

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☞ To-day the people of Kansas are to decide whether the Lecompton Constitution1 as the same is presented by the English bill2 is to be accepted or rejected by them. The general impression seems to be that they will reject it by a large majority. We feel confident that they will decide wisely and well.


1. The Lecompton Constitution of 1857 was written by pro-slavery forces in Kansas. President Buchanan supported it and it was eventually approved by the Senate, but dismissed by the House. Ultimately, Kansas held another local election which resulted in the Constitution’s final rejection. [back]

2. Perceived by some to be a bribe, the English Bill was presented on 23 April 1858 by Democratic representative William H. English in effort to make compromises regarding the Territory should the Lecompton Constitution be accepted by the Kansan voters. [back]

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