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The Temperance Question

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We observe that during the past few weeks the friends of Temperance have been more active than we have known them for months previous. The bodies which go by the name of the “E.L.EL.​ Snow Social Unions” have been holding meetings in their various localities. No. 6 meets here on Monday evening next. We augur from the revived energy of the Temperance men, that they mean to make a dead set at the next Legislature. If they discard their unconstitutional and impracticable idea of prohibition, and direct their efforts to the improvement and enforcement of the present license law, they may effect great good. It is certainly time something should be done. Absolute free trade in liquor is now the practice, and, will become so rooted as an “institution” in our midst that it will be hard to interfere with. As it is, between absolute free trade in liquor and absolute prohibition, we have scarcely a choice; but it is to be hoped that some efficient system for the regulation of the sale, and the protection of the consumer from poisonous adulteration, will not only be recorded on the statute book, but enforced. The Temperance societies can effect great good by directing their efforts in this direction; while by harping on the old string of prohibition, they can only alienate from themselves all the less ultra portion of the community, and thus continue to the liquor trade its present practical immunity from legal oversight or control.

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