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[Brooklyn bids fair to distinguish]

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☞Brooklyn bids fair to distinguish itself as a patron of music. According to the printed statement of the Committee of the Philharmonic Society, that young association, established only in the spring of last year, not only paid its expenses during its first session, but had a handsome surplus at its close. At the end of last year the number of members was nearly five hundred, by the termination of this they will amount to close upon a thousand. The movement for the construction of a first class music hall and Opera house in Brooklyn, received last week its first practical impulse. A meeting of property holders and others interested in the project was held on Wednesday evening at the Polytechnic to consider the steps necessary to give effect to the public wishes in this respect. A pleasing feature of the evening’s proceedings was the warm concurrence expressed by two clergymen—the Rev. Drs. Storr and Farley—in the object of the meeting. Two sites for the proposed building have been suggested close to the City Hall. The first rehearsal of the Philharmonic for the present season, took place on Wednesday last at the Athenaeum.

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