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Mr. Albany1 is widely celebrated in the world of fiction for the purity and high moral tone of his works. His three most renowned productions, the “Swamp Steed,” “Orange Girl of Venice” and “Last Witness,” while they contain all the elements of the most intense and thrilling fascination, are perfectly chaste in every word and expression—And they are not unappreciated by the public. The three works above mentioned have enjoyed an aggregate sale of three million copies, each far outselling the works of any other author, with the single exception of Ned Buntline’s2 “Mysteries and Miseries of New York.”


1. George Albany is likely also Dennis Hannigan. [back]

2. Ned Buntline whose real name was Edward Zane Carroll Judson Sr. (1821 or 23–1886) was an American author. [back]

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