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The Firemen’s Tournament at Albany

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Our readers will have already seen by extracts from Albany Journals contained in this morning’s New York papers, the general results of the trial of engines of the first class. Brooklyn has the honor of having taken the first prize of $500, No. 3 Franklin Engine having thrown 155 feet and borne off the palm from all competitors. The second prize was taken by 7 of Troy, which threw 149 feet.

Of the 2d class the first prize was taken by Torrent Engine Co, No. 1 of Whitehall, which threw 167 feet—the 2d by No. 18 of New York. No. 4 of this District threw 111 feet—No. 1 threw from 147 to 153 feet—variously estimated. No. 1’s playing was nearly as good as was expected by her men—it being anticipated by them that about 160 feet would be her maximum.

So much for the result—now for the visit. Our companies arrived on Wednesday morning in fine spirits and were warmly welcomed by their brother firemen of Albany. Marion Hose Co. were received by Washington Hose of that city; No. 1 was received by No. 10 and No. 4 by No. 8. Every courtesy was extended to our Eastern District Companies by their entertainers to render their sojourn agreeable.

On their return this morning they were met at their landing in New York by No. 9, of this District, with their apparatus; also by delegations from No. 3’s Co., Hook and Ladder 1, Hose 5, and the “Pacific Association.” They marched through some of the principal streets, and while passing through Nassau, Engines 9 and 4 who were behind, broke off from the line of the procession, and crossed to Williamsburgh by the Division avenue ferry. The remainder took a different route, and passed over the South 10th street ferry. Some little feeling was elicited by this apparent defection. We are not aware of the cause of it, or whether, in fact, it was anything more than accidental.

As No. 1’s Company and the delegations with her passed the TIMES office, they halted and gave us some of the tallest kind of cheering, while the band played an inspiriting air.

As we go to press, they are having a good time at Wenslik’s, where a collation has been provided.

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