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[We ought to have a series]

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☞We ought to have a series—or several series—of good substantial lectures here this winter, and if no organization or association of individuals is prepared to enter upon the speculation, we trust Sam Lewis,1 the popular proprietor of the Odeon, will do it himself. We have no doubt that Professor Wright, of Louisville, whose name figures in connection with the late thrilling event in the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky (an account which was published in the TIMES of yesterday),2 could be procured to deliver one or more lectures on that world’s wonder, accompanied with illustrations of his own preparation. The Professor is abundantly capable, and thoroughly understands his subject, around which clusters much popular curiosity. There would be a freshness and originality about a lecture on the Mammoth Cave far excelling any ordinary topic.

In addition to the lectures there ought to be one good concert every week, and if Lewis will inaugurate these entertainments we believe the people will rally in his support. Life, life—we want life over here.


1. Samuel Lewis (1824–1898) was the proprietor at the Odeon and managed it for three seasons, beginning in 1858. [back]

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