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Of late the press has been teeming, and the public has been nauseated, with the filthy details of divorce cases of a peculiarly aggravated nature. It really seems as if the “demoralization and decay” which some of the newspapers are continually prating about were really upon us and that our social system is sinking into a state of putrescence. For instance, there is the disgusting Woodhouse case,1 reported in one or two New York papers. Here the husband, determined to procure a divorce from his wife, because of physical disabilities on her part, deliberately committed adultery, after seeing to it that witnesses were provided, but this not answering, as the case was dismissed by the Chancellor on the ground of collusion, he persuaded her to enter into a conspiracy to make it appear as though she herself were guilty of the same atrocious crime. This case is so coarse and revolting in its details, that we can do no more than refer to it. What are our people coming to?


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