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[We have received Godey's Lady's Book]

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☞We have received Godey’s Lady’s Book1 for August. It is a capital number, full of things which will interest the dear creatures. The present number contains the most astonishing things to us bachelors. There are whole pages devoted to such occult subjects as “trimmings for an infant skirt,” “open under sleeves,” “embroidery for flannels,” etc., etc., which are highly interesting no doubt to the ladies, but which are enough to produce incipient insanity among the “great unposted.” Seriously speaking, however, the number is a good on in point of lively and piquant stories and capital engravings.


1. Godey's Lady's Book, published by Louis A. Godey (1804–1878), was a women's and family magazine dedicated to literature, fashion, and culture. Between 1837 and 1877, it was edited by Sarah Josepha Hale. [back]

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