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Lovers of Harmony, Attend!

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There is considerable talk, through the Eastern District, about the approaching concert of the Williamsburgh Harmonic Society, which comes off next Tuesday night, at Washington Hall, corner of South 7th and Fourth streets. We are having in Brooklyn, about these times, so few of the superior class of amusements, that we shouldn’t wonder if this reunion were attended by the elite of both districts. Those from the Western may rest assured that they will be amply repaid for their trouble, and will see what “Williamsburgh can do,” when she tries.

The exercises of Tuesday night will consist of pieces of the highest degree of merit—solos, duets, trios, and quartettes. Among the vocal performers are Misses S.L. Colyer, Read, Eager, Byrd, and La Rose, and Messrs. Seymour, Luquer, Gulick, Dillingham, Oliver, and McLean. Added to these are Conductor Gulick, and Mr. Badger, Pianist.

There will be given, in the course of the programme, several choice selections from the compositions of Handel, Mozart, Bellini, Donizetti, Rossini, Verdi, and Liszt1.

Our music-loving readers will do well not to forget this concert.


1. Handel, Mozart, Rossini, Bellini, Donizetti, and Verdi were among Whitman's favorite composers. For more information, see Robert Strassburg, "Whitman and Music," Walt Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New York: Garland Publishing, 1998). [back]

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