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Something Like a Fight!

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If there be any truth in the following dispatch from the South, something like a fight has very probably happened at last:

AUGUSTA, Ga., Wednesday, June 2.

An American vessel has been fired into by a British cruiser off Pensacola, Fla., and one man killed. The name of neither vessel is given. The U.S. Steamer Fulton1 was in chase of the vessel which committed the outrage, no other vessel being in company.

Our telegraphic dispatch this afternoon, (3d page,) will probably afford something more definite—either a confirmation of the rumor, or a denial of it.

We must say we are puzzled to understand the motives at the bottom of these late outrages by the British cruisers, down south. Though small, they are among the most flagrant of any ever committed upon our pride and rights. If the nation went to war, on account of such things, forty-five years ago, when it was a second or third class power, what will it be likely to do now, when it considers itself second to no power upon earth?


1. The U.S.S. Fulton was a U.S. Navy steamer.. During the Civil War, it would be captured by the Confederate forces in Pensacola, Florida. [back]

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