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This Morning's Topics

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Nothing of great interest is to be remarked this morning. It is about time now for a new “sensation.”

The principal daily papers are discussing the affairs of the British in India, the Mormons, the new Free Trade propositions in the House of Representatives, Our Relations with New Grenada, the late Railroad Accidents, &c., &c.

The last Washington Union has a long leader, striving with might and main to prove that the Democratic party is not dead.

In New York, the police reports are full of homicide, assault and battery, and other felony cases.

About the disputed Mormon news, the following, under date of St. Louis, May 20, would seem to re-affirm the authenticity of the first accounts—

The steamer John H. Dickey, from Leavenworth on the 17th inst., brings intelligence of the arrival of Col. Kane and Abbe Gilbert at that place on Sunday last. The latter stated that Brigham Young had abdicated, and that Governor Cumming, at last dates, was thirty miles from Salt Lake City, accompanied by a deputation of fifty Mormons, sent to meet him.

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