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Topics this Morning

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Quite a cloud seems rising, out of the feeling by our people, in relation to the violent “search” by British armed ships in the Gulf. It seems now that there have been many cases of this sort of outrage; among the rest those of the schooner Cortez, the brigs A.A. Chapman, Wingold, and Brownsville, and the bark Glenham. Are these to be added to, indefinitely? Is our government indeed in the hands of a lot of nervous old women?

The “correspondence,” given in the morn-papers, between Gen. Cass and Lord Napier, seems to us to amount to nothing. Something more than palaver is wanted.

The Homestead Bill was taken up in the U.S. Senate yesterday; no action.

About the reported capitulation of the Mormons, at Salt Lake, there is a difference of opinion—some thinking it doubtful, others reliable.

Gen. Persifer F. Smith’s death in Utah is noticed at length in the morning papers. He was about 60 years of age, and a good officer.

Our great uncle wants more money. The President has demanded of Congress authority to borrow the round little sum of $15,000,000. Are these our Democratic economists?

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