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Sunday Cars in Brooklyn

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Sunday Cars in Brooklyn—

The cars seem to be running on Sunday in Brooklyn to the great satisfaction of a large majority of the people of all classes. Ald. Delvecchio deserves the thanks of the citizens of the City of Churches for his efforts in behalf of the measure. The company have found that Sunday is the best paying day of the seven.—[Sunday Dispatch.1

It is quite a mistake for Brooklyn public men to imagine they can be benefitted by the elaborate puffs of the Sunday papers. In the first place, such puffs are often bestowed dishonestly, being paid for per line, while they purport to be genuine emanations from the editorial pen; and even if they are genuine, and are prompted, as we believe to be the case with the above, by the friendly feeling between the editor and the puffee, yet the former, not being personally cognisant of the facts he writes about, often, as in this case, falls into grievous errors, and does injustice to others of our public men.

In regard to the Sunday car question, the battle against dogmatic intolerance was fought last year by the press alone; and this year was inaugurated by the Mayor, and brought to a successful issue in the Common Council by Alderman Kalbfleisch and his fellows of the Railroad Committee. Alderman Delvecchio, though no doubt as sound on the question as any one could be, had nothing to do with it beyond proposing a resolution which was in many respects premature, and which the Board did not adopt. Even had he done much more than this, it would be improper for the Dispatch to accord him exclusive credit, as above.


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