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President Buchanan is going to do a very sensible thing—for particulars see this extract—

We have heard from undoubted authority that during the long recess of Congress, the President contemplates making a tour to the West. His first stopping place will be Cleveland, the flowery portal and beautiful gateway to the Mississippi valley. The extent of his tour is not known, but he may visit the Superior country, and possibly those thriving little villages out west known as Chicago and St. Louis. The early adjournment of Congress, 7th June, will give ample opportunity to not only our Chief Executive but the Secretaries, heads of departments and members of Congress generally, to visit the Western country, now becoming in extent, wealth and population, the wonder of the world.—[Cleveland Plain-dealer

A very good idea. If the President, and other national officers, would more frequently make these tours, and come face to face with the people, not as official visitors, but to “spy out the land,” and note the temper and views of the people, the result would be beneficial in more ways than one.

It is suggested of late that the President of the United States might devolve a very great portion of his labors upon agents—thus relieving his position of much that makes it anything else than a bed of roses. The extent of our country, and the accumulation of business, have so increased of late years that a change like the one we allude to will soon be unavoidable, giving the incumbent a much easier time.

In the meanwhile, such a tour of pleasure and instruction as this now contemplated, deserves warm commendation, as a good precedent, to be regularly followed up.

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