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We Have Pitched Our Tent On A New Spot

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Yes we, the BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES, have moved. We have struck our old tent. We have left the haunts of former days, with their memories, their associations, their experiences of peace and war. We have had ourselves transported, with all our generals, forces, ordnance, equipments and ammunition—and have set our stake-poles anew. We had sought for the banks of some pleasant stream, where we might become a happy fixture, perhaps for life—and now we have found such a place and taken the occupation thereof. We are this day established in it. We stop at

Nos. 12 and 14 South 7th Street, Close by Peck Slip Ferry.

And we wish to inform the world that we feel better, and breathe deeper. We have here more room to breathe. We will not give the dimensions, in figures and feet, like the architects do—for this is more of a spiritual effusion. How can the feelings, the satisfaction of the soul, be measured? We only know we, the BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES, are certain to begin from this day to spread ourselves! Let Consolidated Brooklyn take notice! Let the Eastern District rejoice!

Does all this, gentle reader, (ah, we like that old phrase yet!)—Does all this sound like the talk of exhilarated persons! We wish distinctly to state then that we are exhilarated persons. The morning outside is dark and wet—but the interior TIMES morning, that new day we see outlined before us, has the bright sun and the fair breeze.

With these celestial particulars, we take leave of our topic. The worldly particulars, (as of superior jobbing accommodations, steam presses, “happy to see our friends,” &c.,) we defer, to get their chance by and by.

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