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Our Eleventh Volume

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Our Eleventh Volume

With the present number we commence the Eleventh Annual Volume of the BROOKLYN DAILY TIMES. On each successively recurring anniversary of the commencement of our enterprise, it has been our pleasing duty to “report progress”—and that to an extent alike profitable and satisfactory to ourselves, and we trust gratifying to our patrons. From the first we have labored to keep pace with the growth of the city, and during no year, we flatter ourselves, has a more perceptible advance been manifested than during the year now expired. Before the year now begun shall have closed, we intend that the TIMES shall be printed on a new double cylinder press, and that the range, quantity and quality of its contents shall be correspondingly improved. Circumstances have as yet delayed that thorough attention to Western District affairs which we purpose soon to bestow—but we have taken a few steps in this direction already, which may be regarded as an earnest of what we mean to do. There are peculiar disadvantages attending our business location, owing to its remoteness from the centres of intelligence; but we have arrangements in progress which we are sanguine will enable us to surmount these obstacles, and to place the TIMES in a position far ahead of the other Brooklyn papers. We are perfectly convinced that this can be done, and what is more, we are resolved to do it.

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