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Reporting Extraordinary

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Our venerable contemporary, the Star, woke from a protracted slumber yesterday, and gave the world of journalism a proof of unexampled enterprise. The funeral of Mr. Simonson , which took place between three and four o’clock P.M., we find fully reported in that lively sheet, which goes to press about 2 o’clock P.M.—the latter having doubtless received the details by spiritual telegraph, or some other equally expeditious mode of transit. Unluckily for the Star, it ventured to state on the said dubious authority that the Board of Supervisors, out of respect to the memory of deceased, met and immediately adjourned, on the motion of Supervisor Jerome—the fact, however, being that the Board transacted the usual amount of business, as our own columns testify, and Mr. Jerome was not present at all. Our friends of the Star do not often make such a splurge and it is only fair to give them credit when they exert themselves.

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