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[Harper's Weekly for the current week]

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☞Harper’s Weekly1 for the current week, contains a cut in a serious vein, labelled “Honor to the Brave,” and evidently intended to embody America’s sympathy with England on the loss of the gallant Havelock. America is represented as gazing with uncovered head and mournful visage at the shadowy forms of the brave companions of the lamented dead, bearing his remains to the grave. Had the principal figure represented, as it should have done, the poetical and idealized embodiment of the Republic—that of a beautiful female figure, the conception would have done the artist credit, but as it is we have a lank, swallow-tailed, short-pantalooned stage Yankee to perform that office for us, and this incongruous association of ideas throws a ludicrous air over the whole performance. Let the artist try again.


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