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Literary Notices

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THE KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE,1 for January. New York, John A. Gray, 16 Jacob street.

This venerable Magazine continues on the even tenor of its way, notwithstanding the death of its late publisher. It is now issued by our fellow citizen, Mr. John A. Gray, under whose management, Mr. Clark being retained as editor, we are certain it will not recede. We borrow the following from the Editor's Table:

In the county of Pickaway, during the last term of 'the Court,' a suit was being tried on a contract for the purchase and delivery of hogs. One of the most able attorneys inquired of the witness on the stand: 'How many hogs had you ready for delivery at the time agreed upon?' The witness replied, in a slow voice: 'I should think seven hundred and fifty: but I can't tell to a hog (please understand that the witness was addressing the 'learned counsel') the exact number.'

GREAT JUDGMENTS, a Sermon, preached at Zion Church, Newport, R.I., by the Rev. Legh Richmond Dickinson, M.A.

The author of the above discourse is a son of Mr. Andrew Dickinson, a citizen of Williamsburgh, of many years standing; and we congratulate Mr. D., on the success which, judging by this discourse, is likely to attend his son’s pulpit efforts. The sermon is one of the best of the many which the late crisis has evoked; earnest, clear, and forcible in its tone, it evinces the possession on the part of its author of a very high standard of pulpit eloquence; and will be read with much interest, especially among those to whom the author is known. It has received very favorable notice from the journals of the Episcopal church, to which the author belongs.


1. \The Knickerbocker was a New York literary magazine established in 1833 by Charles Fenno Hoffman (1806–1884). [back]

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