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Fire Department Troubles

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Fire Department Troubles

The Board of Fire Commissioners of the Eastern District met last evening at the office of the Chief Engineer, for the purpose of investigating the charges preferred by the Chief against Engine Company 4 and Hose Company 2 for insubordination and disobedience of orders. Both of the Companies have been suspended from duty pending the investigation, by orders of the Chief. The Commissioners sat with closed doors, and took evidence of several witnesses; the inquiry was not completed when they adjourned.

Apropos of this matter, we have good grounds for believing that the turbulent and unruly spirit which has characterised the recent conduct of persons connected with several of the companies, and which has brought so much disgrace on the department, is far from being subdued. We happen to know that a certain runner of one of the engine companies, who works in a foundry, has been employed by his fellow runners to forge “iron knuckles” for them, deadly weapons worn on the hand, a single blow from a hand wearing which would stun or kill a man—and that the runners carry these knuckles about them constantly. We do not suppose that the members or officers of any company are cognisant of this, or that they would approve of the ruffianly intentions which dictated the manufacture of these instruments of cowardly vengeance; but this fact shows the necessity of companies keeping a strict eye on the movements of the loose rowdies who arrogate to themselves a kind of outside ex-officio membership, and only bring disgrace on the company to which they attach themselves.

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