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Whipping in Schools

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Whipping in Schools

In Iowa the State Teachers' Association recommend the use of the rod in schools, and add,

“When applied, it should be done vigorously, [cut away]ghly, and effectually; the instrument, the old-fashioned birchen rod, or as that can not be procured in all parts of Iowas, the kind of rod is immaterial.”

If this is a specimen of them, we have to suspect the Teachers in Iowa are a poor set, [cut away]y the responsible offices of instruction. No man or woman fit to be a teacher, but can [cut away] or woman fit to be a teacher, but can [cut away] children easily and perfectly, on all occasions without any resort to the degrading punishment of the rod, lash, ferule and the [cut away] But many teachers are morally and personally incompetent.

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