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These Splendid Nights!

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We have very fine days now, hot as they are;—indeed the farmers (and consequently other people) could not be favored with any thing better. Their crops, corn, oats, potatoes, &c., could not be more promising; and never have they had such times for cutting, curing, and getting in the hay.

But we “took our pen in hand” to speak of the nights—these splendid nights! Every afternoon, toward sundown, the heat subsides, and a gentle and coolish breeze sets in. You can walk out toward the suburbs, or cross the river, or even promenade the flagged sidewalks, with unwonted comfort. Or, if you prefer, you can take a bath in the river. Then sleep is such a pleasure, these nights! You leave your window open—there are no mosquitoes—Yes, you can slumber royally these nights.

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