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The August Magazines

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Harper gives us a sterling number for August.1 Porte Crayon’s interesting sketches of North Carolina are continued, and the whole number evinces the same admirable combination of the instructive with the entertaining, which it is the object of a good magazine to supply. When we consider the enormous quantity of matter supplied by Harper, in comparison with other monthlies, as well as the judgment and taste which guide its selection, we cannot wonder at its reputation, popularity, and wide circulation.

GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK.2—This excellent periodical for August is at hand, as acceptable as ever to its tens of thousands of fair readers. The colored fashion plate is a superior one. There is abundance of instructive and entertaining reading matter, and the general amount of instruction in household arts.

Harper’s Story Books, No. 33. These story books are issued monthly; they contain a series of narratives, dialogues, biographies and tales, for the perusal of the young. They are embellished with numerous engravings, and are well calculated to interest the class for whom they are designed.


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2. Godey's Lady's Book, published by Louis A. Godey (1804–1878), was a women's and family magazine dedicated to literature, fashion, and culture. Between 1837 and 1877, it was edited by Sarah Josepha Hale. [back]

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